Managing your energies right can have a great impact on your life. Do you agree? Mystics of India

God of Hope, For and Through Hope

God’s hope transcends all of life’s disappointments, but not straight away. We learn nothing if our struggles are whisked away as with a magic wand. Learning is part of God’s telos. His purpose is that we develop. Not simply until we stop growing physically, but through the entire lifespan, our characters becoming as beacons for and of Jesus.

Great Indian Temple

The Hindu temple is an institution of immemorial antiquity which has played a notable part not merely in the religious life of the people, but also in their social, cultural and economic history. In the millennia that span India’s past, it has had, like so many other things in our life, a chequered history, now prosperous, now persecuted, now neglected and now revived. The temple, of course, is not unique to India.

Making the Right Decisions Every Time, The Spiritual Way

We are faced with choices and decisions every day. Often, we wonder whether the choices and decisions we have made are the right ones.

My Spiritual BFF, Wingman & All Time Favorite Angel

Over these past years I’ve developed a strong liking to Archangel Michael and now I reach out to him on a daily basis for protection, inspiration, and more. He’s literally become my Spiritual BFF and favorite Angel to work with!

Death Is an Illusion

Death is a great teacher, teaching us to live fully in each moment, because we never know when our transition may come. Death gives meaning; when we act with courage and confront the reality of death, we enhance our motivation to live with a greater awareness and clarity of purpose. Finally, death gently persuades us to act immediately, rather than putting things off for another day. Death is inevitable and will visit you when it is your time; your task is to live to the best of your ability, in the here and now, and when death does arrive, you will be prepared to take the next step in the eternal journey of the soul.

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