Intimidated By The Women In Your Life? Do THIS

From my 2022 Copenhagen workshop. Watch in full at

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Teal Swan is a bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan’s teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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God’s Inflow in the Dark of Night

Few are privileged enough to travel that darkest of journeys – to the abyss, a dark night, residing in the belly of the soul. It is easy to read some sadistic sense of pride in these words, but these words are true, and they are the only encouragement for those few who journey with God on a journey where God seems invisible.

How God Hears All Our Prayers

God works in and through us, through his Holy Spirit, by our prayers. Having committed ourselves to pray about something, we have decided a course of spiritual action or divine trust. Commitment is the important product of and from prayer.

5 Essential Keys for Communicating With Your Angels

Did you realize that you have the ability to communicate with your angels 24 hours a day? If you’re not doing that, or you don’t know how, this article will provide you with 5 Essential Keys to being in close contact with your angels.

A Mosquito Can Bite And An Influence Can Have Negative Consequences And Repercussions

Do you ever question why certain surprising and unexpected things suddenly happen in life? A mosquito bites, and later you contract malaria, and you cannot remember being bitten. Spiritual warfare can be similar, and Jesus recognised that. When in Uganda and Kenya and speaking and teaching out in the bush and jungle areas and travelling in appalling slum districts one is always careful regarding the possibility of mosquitoes and snakes and certain people who may want to bite you in a very different sense. In some parts of Nairobi one can almost feel unsafe as drunk or drugged individuals approach you knowing that you will have some money on your person or at least a watch they can snatch and so sell it for another glass or pipe of something hallucinating. In one area of northern Nairobi to Pastors explained that one would walk in front of me and another behind as we moved through one of the most dangerous roads I have ever walked along.

Personal Development – The Christian Way of Life

Personal Development as it pertains to Christians should be a constant practice. Think about it, the bible instructs us throughout scripture, to seek, learn, trust and obey. All of these things require growth and change. Some may choose to call the process maturity, but whatever you call it, we need to take action. One of the many things I love about Christ is that He accepts us just the way we are, however he does expect us to change. That’s right folks, God doesn’t intend for his people to be in the same old shape year after year. As Christians we are designed to change. The Spirit of God is hardwired to provoke change within us. That’s why the bible instructs us to surrender our old way of thinking and living in order to become doers of the word of God. With the tool’s God has provided for us we can be transformed to new creatures for Christ, Hallelujah!

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