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The Secret Behind Self Sabotage

To know ourselves would be to love ourselves. As we have come to “know” ourselves through the eyes of our parents, siblings, caregivers, bosses, teachers, and to the degree we “know” ourselves as unworthy, unlovable, tainted, bad, stupid, a waste, not wanted, is to the degree we have been known by one who only knew themselves through a long line of false, altered and mistaken beliefs.

Peace, Love and Unity in the Mysticism of God

Right and wrong are no longer the point. Indeed, to land at right and wrong is to miss the point. But, all the same, there is an appreciation in the mystic of the right to choose what is right and what is wrong.

Where Dreams Come From – Part 2

For the past ten years I have been studying the Ancient Hebraic method of dream interpretation. In this time I have discovered that there are three main sources for dreams. In this second part, of a three part series, I will look at dreams which come from one of the two spiritual sources.

How to Find Hope In Any Situation (Psalm 119:89)

I’d like to give you a simple Bible quiz. I’m going to give you a list of adjectives (descriptive words), and you tell me who I’m describing, OK?

Christian Parenting, and Common Parenting Mistakes

The Christian family must live in the world, take part in many world activities, and yet resist being overcome by the errors within the world system. From birth to death, every person is a unique individual who will see this world through unique mind-filters. Learn to walk with Christian character before men, before God, and before your children.

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